Regular maintenance is essential. It can often be the difference between life and death for a refrigeration system and, moreover, the difference between avoiding a costly bill or not. However, it can often be difficult to find reasons to have maintenance taken out, aside from having to due to a system fault.
Here are six reasons to have your system regularly maintained as a preventative measure rather than wait for something to go wrong:
1) Regular Maintenance Lowers The Risk Of Failed Components
Commercial refrigeration systems typically have many vital components that it just can’t operate without. If a system is not regularly and correctly maintained, you risk failed components. Often, replacing a failed part can be costly and leads to much downtime. Luckily, this issue is almost entirely avoidable if you get your system maintained regularly.
2) Regular Maintenance Can Identify & Fix Hidden Issues
Hidden issues such as dirt build-up and overheating are easily identifiable when your machine receives regular maintenance. Overheating can be an unknown issue that leads to main component failure and often to having to buy a new commercial refrigerator and suffering even more downtime than before.
3) Maintenance Can Help Protect Against Diseases
When we carry out commercial refrigerator maintenance, we treat all necessary parts of your refrigeration system with a chemical that protects against salmonella, listeria, and legionella. When having commercial fridge maintenance, it is especially important to protect against bacteria and fungi as they can be a health risk.
4) Regular Maintenance Minimises Downtime Risk
If you do not have commercial fridge maintenance at regular intervals, you may be at an increased risk of downtime. When a system must undergo repairs it usually requires extended amounts of downtime and the replacement of critical parts. However, if you are proactive and regularly gets your system maintained at least every six months, a lot less time is required. You also lower the risk of components failing and therefore reduce the risk of unforeseen or extended downtime and cost.
5) It Can Reduce Repair Bills
Regular maintenance can lower repair bills by preventing essential components from failing due to early detection. You will save more money having your system regularly maintained rather than having one big repair session each year.
6) Regular Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance Can Extend The Life Of Your System
Regular commercial refrigeration maintenance extends the life of your system by addressing issues before they become serious. It is true that prevention is better than cure. Keeping key components functioning is key to having a long-lasting system, rather than one you must replace in a few years.
Maintenance Is Predictable; Breakdowns Are Not
Often it has been said that essential things break down at the worst times. Important presentation? Your computer is suddenly not booting up et cetera et cetera. The same is often true for commercial refrigeration units. However, you can schedule maintenance at a time that’s convenient for you. You cannot plan a breakdown.
Get in touch to discuss with us how we can best assist you.